This is probably the edgiest fucking game I've ever played in my entire life. This game would not be nearly as edgy unless I put on black eyeliner with makeup, blared Insane Clown Posse from a friend's car stereo and threatened to cut myself every 5 seconds with the back end of a rusty needle that I found on the ground at a Paraguay back alley brothel. If I had to choose between getting my nuts chopped off and playing this game well I'd rather play this game but still. It's ok. It's an ok game. I bought it cause I liked Postal 2 and Postal Redux and thought it would be similar. But it's ok. It's not really intelligent but it's not a game I would play for intelligence. I would play it because....I guess shooting people. And honestly? The shooting to me feels like a sloppy as shole to be on a completely honest playing field though, regardless of my opinion for the edgy content.

Play with mods and it's a decent Postal Redux clone
Voice acting and lines are often hilarious, though unintentionally so

If played without mods it kind of feels...meh
Played through five hours and the achievements didn't even activate for me

All in all to me it is ok. It's not the best but it's not the worst. If you like it cause it's edgy and against the norm of today's society power to ya, I can't even hate. But as a game in itself I would look elsewhere.

From Steam Reviews:

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2022
