I don't know how long ago I got this, but I originally bought it just to try out something new and different as I like to try most forms of gaming (except sports f u c k that s h i t). I try to give most point and click games a fair shake too not that this is one. I don't like this one. If others do I completely get it, I respect the hell out of it. But this game drove me up the wall with some of it's mechanics, by mechanics I mean pulling a frustrating slot machine to match numbers up and also spinning a wheel for ten minutes trying to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do. Mix that with confusing controls (The only controls for this game are the arrow keys to move around, the i button to open up the inventory and spacebar to interact), awkward movement in trying to get where I need to go and a time limit of two hours real time (which half of that time was me trying to figure out confusing puzzles) honestly stresses me out a bit. I respect this game, I respect that it's unique and I respect it's place in history. I didn't get to the end though, nor do I care to get to the end to be honest, I'll watch it on youtube. To the people who were able to complete it with all of the frustrations kudos to you.

The positives though are mostly aesthetic and it's place in history. The FMV movies are blurry and goofy, the part where Laura ends up running down a staircase from a boulder Indiana Jones style made me giggle. Only downside to that is the disembodied voice that keeps interrupting and yelling out "LAURA LAURA" is a bit annoying.

It's goofy and funny, I like the aesthetic
It's place in history

Confusing controls
Monotonous movements and puzzle
Time Limit of two hours in real life, I guess that depends on the person

If you like this game then power to you. Not my thing but I respect it.

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2022
