Honestly this is one of the best remakes I think I've ever played ever. It's literally the PS2 game untouched with all of the old stuff except it feels better, with SEVERAL quality of life improvements to the gameplay to make it feel more fast paced and fair. For example: You can shoot your death ray straight down this time, draining lets you shoot and drain at the same time if that wasn't in the original, you can not only dodge but you can just do straight up hoverboarding, and there's more I can't account for. Now again I love the original but it's been years since I touched the original game on PS2, so if I'm wrong about anything then feel free to discard that. But at the same time it again keeps the original cast, keeps everything that made it special but it even added content cut from the original (mainly one mission called "The Mutant Menace"). And the amount more extra detail they put into each of the levels is astounding! The only things I could say that maybe could mess with people is the art style? That's subjective for me because I think the art style lends to the whole 50's parody aesthetic, though I think having everyone not look like warped cartoonish versions of themselves would've been ok too.

Also holy s h i t that final boss fight in the remake feels WAY harder than the one in the original. Other than that I don't know, I can't really say too much except I hope these guys remake the second and ESPECIALLY the third then continue on with the franchise from there.

Pretty much everything is back but better
Updated environment
Added extra content

It's subjective but some have been mixed on the art style? I don't get it
Still feels like the old ps2 game in some degrees

Overall fantastic 15 hour experience I say anyone who is fans of the original should DEFINITELY try out

From Steam Reviews: https://steamcommunity.com/id/gamemast15r/recommended/

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2022
