aggro crab has officially got the sauce. i played going under several years ago and found myself really in love with it. one thing that stood out to me was the incredible writing that seems super locked in to the way i and i think a lot of young people feel towards the capitalist corporate world we live it. that incisive, reflective writing continues here in force and in many ways i think is even stronger. (not to mention super funny easter eggs and parody garbage)

i also love this team’s bright and round art style, and super fun combat. ever since they announced they were working on a new open ocean funny little crab action adventure game, i was totally on board and ive been following it for some time!

over the past year or two though i have played through every single fromsoft souls game and they have become some of my favorite things just.. ever. so my excitement and anticipation of this game grew even more as i saw how it took that tough as nails difficulty and applied it to a seemingly bubbly fun world. not to mention that this marketing team seems to have way too much fun, i love your tweets and tiktoks good job guys!!

something i never expected though was that this game not only emulates many combat elements that i love in fromsoft games such as parrying, posture, dodge rolling, and fun spells and armor (the collectible shells being both is SUCH a fun mechanic) but it also carries the deep, powerful elements of storytelling, world building, and an unsettling, pervasive undercurrent of corruption. in this game that theme is seen in different characters, physical elements in the world, and so on. but that feeling is something that not many games are able to capture, so that’s something i really appreciate. the later areas in the game especially are particularly good at this.

that being said though, the whole journey has so much to offer. every single area feels distinct and has its own fun unique challenges and secrets, and i enjoyed every single one. i was pleasantly surprised to find out that this game is also a really fun 3D platformer! so interspersing fun and challenging combat with exciting and well designed 3D platforming stages is a great combo i didnt know i needed!

the bosses also are excellent, they are a great challenge and i loved getting to learn their moves and phases. there is a really fun variety, and i think they serve as excellent rewards and challenges for the end of areas. the options also to lower the difficulty were very welcome, as sometimes id get frustrated on a boss and i could give myself a little boost. its not something i used frequently, but as a tool to help out when you need a little help just think its really well implemented!

the upgrade system is also super satisfying, i love exploring and collecting sparkly crunchy crystals to upgrade my moves and collecting boss abilities is a great way to feel like you’re continually getting stronger. that alongside the normal souls system of currency being spent to level, and equipping different add-ons to augment your build, its super well designed and i enjoyed it a lot.

i also have to shoutout the fantastic sound in this game! super satisfying item sounds with clangy parry and weapon hits, it is all super well done! the soundtrack as well is excellent, so many fun but also atmospheric tracks for the different areas, and a variety of intense and groovy boss themes lead to me 100% looping this on my VGM playlist.

every element of this game comes together to form a really unique and cohesive package. the story was already great but went in several directions i was not expecting, and that ending really has got me sitting here thinking. i can tell this is a game with a lot of love and passion put into it so i want to say thank you to the entire team!! i really loved your game and cant wait to see what you’ve got next!

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
