I remember going to a video game store with my dad when I was about 3 years old, and I remember specifically having the dilemma of choosing between this game or Banjo Kazooie for a good 10 minutes. Not sure why the cashier didn't take a sledgehammer to the cartridge and give me Banjo Kazooie instead, but alas, my dad purchased this "game" for me at my request, and I have not known peace on God's green Earth since.

Calling this a game is being extremely generous. A game is supposed to be playable and enjoyable. This is absolutely neither. Essentially the player is stun-locked by the CPU's attacks 80% of the time, and MAYBE you can fight back. Picking up objects on the stage to throw is also useless, as it makes your character slower and it didn't deal any significant greater damage than throwing punches. There's not even a soundtrack to make the time pass by any easier. It's just the same song looped continuously, almost like the game is mocking the player for giving the game a chance in the first place.

Graphics? Assets? Lol. Lmao. The devs couldn't even bother to cut their poorly compressed jpgs correctly for the UI. Not that I'm expecting groundbreaking graphics in this obvious cash grab, but jesus, at the VERY LEAST make the sprites clean. This game is a blurry mess with very little attention to detail. To be fair a good amount of N64 games looked crusty, but I'd argue that this isn't due to the limitations of the N64 itself, but rather the devs were just lazy.

In a way, I do think it's admirable that this game must have provided a fantastic blueprint for other lazy developers like Data Design Interactive to make their own shovelware games for other consoles. I don't wanna give this game too much credit though. It's nothing more than an uninspired waste, and I extend my condolences to any child that had to experience this game any longer than 5 minutes.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2024
