This is an insanely long game stuffed full of ideas and episodes and characters.

I'm currently about 70-80% through it, I would guess, and while it has been an incredibly interesting experience so far just seeing how far it pushes the RPG Maker engine and experiments with so many different ideas... i am just exhausted.

The game starts off incredibly strong, if formulaic, and then maintains momentum for a while when the world opens up.

But the longer it went on, the more I felt like the main story Fortune Events were just incredibly formulaic, generally having you turn up to somewhere where the bad guys are doing stuff, and then random monsters attack, and things just keep piling up and up. It's a shame, because it has a ton of inventive mini episodes and side quests too, and I think the overall arc is incredibly fascinating... but this game has just broke me. I cannot see myself finishing it in the near future. It's not even that this game is bad in any sense, but I simply can't find the energy to keep going for a game that is not consistently 5 stars.

I also found the combat frustrating and difficult - I love turn-based battles, but so many bosses just feel annoying, and it is so easy to save in a state where the game is unwinnable because you can't grind or recover MP.

But if you can read Japanese I would definitely recommend checking this game out just because of how creative and massive it is. It's a truly impressive feat, even if this ambition is a bit messy at times.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2022
