200 Reviews liked by getsugasaiho

Creo que una de las claves para una buena novela visual de este tipo es que el autor sea un trilero de cuidado. Un "troll" absoluto que te engaña, que te la cuela pero bien.

Y este juego es maestría trilera aun cuando falla el "whodunnit" y la trama no es tan buena como en el primero, te pega un quiebro de cintura que en otras circunstancias me cabrearía pero no tengo otra que aplaudir la desfachatez.

The kind of twist that at first makes you go "This is really dumb", then after a while it s coming together, it starts to make sense, only to realize afterwards that no, nothing about this works, it is a really dumb and pointless twist.

Intensly frustrating. I love the first game, I love the cast, I love the tone, the music, the creativity. But through it's structure and twist Nirvana Initiative becomes much less than the sum of its parts.

THe secret ending and its implications slap though.

not as strong as aitsf with the main twist being admittedly really cool but being executed in a really convoluted way that made me not remember anything about the game

i genuinely cannot remember anything from AINI and I read all of it like only a couple months ago

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ruined me


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the first 60% of this was stronger than i expected, but it totally nosedived near the end and by the last couple of hours or so i stopped really caring. if ryuki wasn't there i'd probably give a lower score, but even his own character was kind of wasted at the end of the day. perhaps i'm being a little harsh, as mizuki and the other mizuki weren't particularly badly written at all- they were fine. but the plot they were shoved into was being held up by sticks. the "the timelines were actually crossed" twist was cool but in pratice kind of ended up just like a much more interesting version of "delta was there the whole time just conveniently positioned off camera." it did not help that it had to be explained to us, the player, by a possessed mama (which was responsible for moving the plot along more times than it should have been) as opposed to something baked into the general mystery. anyway this game and raincode are having a midoff.

uchikoshi try not to make a reference to zero escape challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

(i enjoyed the game btw I thought it was good)

not as peak as the original game and it had a lot of flaws and inconsistencies that annoyed me but i still liked it. also added a lot of cool features the original didn't have like unlimited psync or wink psyncs. fun! ryuki on his own bumps this rating up a lot he's fucking amazing. my son who has every disease (no joke i do lobe how his character is handled and how raw his trauma snd mental issues are depicted but also. hes silly)

The first one is better.
The sequel is overall less funny and my experience of the plot was bitter, like many reveals felt cheap but I have to give credit for it being more ambitious overall, the recontextualization of a few characters that were present in the first game was unexpected and the new characters are charming enough in new ways

A Very fun game, the premise is very cool and fun where you can jump to any point in the story. Story is overall insane but it still hooks you. Overall very fun!

I want to give it a higher rating because the gameplay is fun and I LOVE the concept.

But what in the heck was half of the dialogue????

After suffering through all of Danganronpa and being disappointed by modern Ace Attorney, AI: The Somnium Files is a welcome refresher. Detective VNs could learn a lot from this game's approach to dialogue and presentation. Playing was really a very pleasant experience, with no frustrating gameplay moments and no glaring writing issues other than some backloaded filler. The vibes were immaculate, and the cringeworthy JP media tendencies were at a minimum.

If you're a fan of the genre, it's worth a play for sure.

This game is so Spike Chunsoft. Some of the best plot twists in gaming. Some of the worst jokes made in gaming which all feel written by a 14 year old boy. A core game mechanic that feels unnecessary and convoluted which completely dulls what they do get right with this game. If this was just a visual novel this experience would have been so much better.

i really really loved this game. well, at least most of it.

i thoroughly enjoyed the plot and the relationships between these characters. i appreciate how the game feeds you information in a way so that you can actually figure out what's going on before the end. a lot of it is really quite beautiful, emotionally intelligent, and incredibly funny. i'm already pretty emotional when it comes to media, but man, i lost count of how many different moments in this game made me cry. and,,,, then there's the excessive horniness.

i wouldn't necessarily say im a prude or anything like that, but the amount of times that Date gets bricked up over nothing got kinda old eventually. some other characters get really fucking horny too and it's like-- why?? i get that Uchikoshi is just kinda like this, but i can only take so many mentions of "porno mags" before i'm praying at my screen for the section to pleaaaase just end already. the game is usually pretty good at knowing when to hit the brakes on the jokes down in its emotional moments, which is a boon of the writing. buuuut then i will still sometimes get a piece of internal monologue that can sour the mood a little bit. if the horny jokes were at least reduced by 50%, i think that i would say this game would be pretty close to 5 stars for me. definitely my biggest critique of the game by far.

yet despite that, i still love a lot of these characters. i really truly do love Date when you look past his perverted nature. Mizuki is awesome. Aiba rules. Iris is great. it's really quite a great cast when you look at it as a whole, and i think most of them compliment each other well. backstories are thorough and significant to the plot and motivations.

after just finishing Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma (2016), getting to experience character models and animations and environments that do not look like petrified burnt toast is a real treat. there's a whole lot of visual flair and style here. excellent english voice acting! everyone is so expressive and the fact that the models appear next to their textbox with the facial expressions is a really great touch, especially given that it lets us see our main character way more than we would have otherwise. even when they're not the person talking or appearing next to a textbox, characters look around and react to the things others are saying. it's a really really nice touch.

the "puzzles" are generally neat and inventive, but actually 'solving' them is sometimes annoying. it wasn't so hard that i needed to use a guide or anything, but sometimes it feels less like you logic'd out the solution and more like you just so happened to pick the correct option. the best somniums are the ones that truly lean into the wacky or emotional side of a character. they added a lot to the experience for me, especially with the branching paths.

in short: great game. loved it and most of the characters. excited to play the second one eventually! please less porno mags.

HOOOOO GOD I WISH I COULD GIVE THIS GAME 5 STARS. I can still acknowledge that its narrative can require you to get cool with a lot of things real fast, and some of the pseudoscientific explanations might not jive with everyone, but in terms of atmosphere, this thing is MASTERFUL. Unfortunately I can't rank it 5 stars because of Moma Kumakura. I can tolerate every bit of anime bullshit but him, he just creeps me out.

Well-written and slickly-presented. I didn't like a certain central character, but Date is one of the funniest VN protagonists of all time, right up there with YU-NO's. The later Somnium stages are pretty mid.