I've never touched a Fromsoft game in my life and as someone who has been playing Skyrim pretty much since release I am basically treating it as a harder Skyrim. it's interesting to see my approach vs Souls veterans who prefer to jump from boss to boss. Not that either way of playing is wrong- it's a game!! but it's just interesting

This is a game that wants you to slow down and take in its world if you are struggling and I can see why- this is one of the most breathtaking game worlds I've ever seen. the first time I caught a glimpse of Nokron the Eternal city I actually got a little emotional over how beautiful it was and I NEVER do stuff like that lol. I hope the artists are proud of what they made.

I got this game on sale for like £30 and I actually feel a little bad I didn't pay more for it, and that's the ONLY time you'll EVER catch me saying that about a product lol trust me i'm the cheapest mf out there. But this is the sort of game I dreamed of playing when I was like 9. If you'd sat LOTR-obsessed child-me down in the 2000s and put this game in front of me I don't think I ever would have gone to school ever again lmao

I've been playing like a month and haven't even finished the academy area yet, i think I'm gonna be playing this for the foreseeable future and I love that for me, so excited!

Reviewed on Dec 21, 2023
