wasn’t expecting to like this one as much as i did. when it came out i heard primarily negative things about it and the prospect of playing as someone other than clementine confused and frustrated me initially. but it turns out i love Javier and his relationship with his family and the group. though some characters are kinda iffy personality and writing wise the interactions and conflicts are interesting to take part in, and i felt invested in the decisions i was making along the way. the direction for a lot of scenes is impeccable and elicited plenty of verbal reactions from me and my buddies, the flashback scenes featuring the Garcia family were exceptionally notable imo. another thing i was a big fan of was the more grounded character complexities that closely mirror the ones that can be observed in our reality— Javier, a fuck up needing to step up and become involved with a family he wasn’t always around or attached to before. and David’s broken and hyper aggressive mind stemming from his time in the military. both very real and complex character elements that put a lot of personal stake in the story. it has its flaws, but seems overhated to me tbh. high 7 or a light 8.

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2023
