Valkyrie Elysium truly is a long-lost PS3 game that took its time to come out. I'm happy that the Valkyrie franchise is back in some capacity, I think after this game it's gonna be a while till we get something else but I will take my wins whenever.

In terms of an art style and graphical standpoint, Elysium is incredible. The greyish, foggy, muted environments look great for what the game is trying to evoke; The World is dead. Of course things are going to look drab!! I quite like the black outlines that appear on things, lets things pop out, and not let the environments melt into a grey puddle.

The combat is the game's major highlight for sure, very Devil May Cry and some parts Astral Chain?? Maybe?? I dunno, when you're letting me pull off 900+ chain combos and infinite air juggles you're in the good books. I S-Ranked every mission off the get-go, so i wasn't really dabbling with items since they affect your ranking, which is a shame.

I think my biggest complaint is the story isn't anything to write home about, it's serviceable, but you're gonna get the big chunk of your character development through side quests. I understand what they were going for, the lack of story does give the game a dreamy, elegiac vibe to things. There is a depressing or melancholic air to everything. Practically everyone is fucking dead and I think just having Valkyrie achieve her mission level after level is just who she is as a character, and works for the game in a weird meta way like that. It would be cool to get a 30-40 hour higher budget version, with maybe some more in-depth story elements - but Soleil took the budget permitted to them and they understood the assignment.

I think it rocks! Shame there is no photo mode though :/

Oh yeah, rare for a PlayStation Japanese exclusive to retain panty shots! Let's go, Soleil!

Reviewed on Mar 01, 2023
