I am so confused about this game.

On one hand, it's not what I wanted. My superficial expectations for the game were for it to be a photo sim set in a cyberpunk dystopia.

But on the other hand, what I ended up getting was a photo sim set in a cyberpunk dystopia using environmental storytelling from the perspective of a photographer... With arcade goals and a timer that lock a lot of the tools for photography.

It's this weird clash where the music is incredible, the art direction can be stunning, the details and on the nose commentary gel soooooo well together. The mission goals are a cool way to force you to go around and get creative taking pictures while exploring the levels. But that timer encourages to do all that as fast as possible. Which discouraged me from really settling in and taking everything in.

Not to mention the score system is fairly arbitrary. I had instances where taking a photo of a wall would earn me tons more than one that was significantly more detailed, complex and difficult. So I didn't have much reason to not take pics that just earned me the most points as opposed to what I thought looked better.

Also the game is big jank. I would get launched 400 feet up in the air just by climbing up the stairs, go at mach 5 by slightly touching a rail, clipping under the map just because i walked forward.

That said play it because the cool stuff IS REALLY COOL.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2024
