This game will appeal to a certain type of person who loves the NASA inspired space setting and will want to explore every desolate rocky moon and planet. They'll want to build up big mighty bases up that span the galaxy.

I was not that person. Overall I didn't enjoy the setting, everything felt too samey to me. And where something like Fallout is interesting because it takes the known and perverts it, Starfield doesn't have that with it's humancentric setting.

The exploration is a bunch of loading screens with a majority of planets being uninhabitable rocks with cookie cutter space habs full of cookie cutter guys in suits mostly and the occasional cave area.

While I enjoyed the aspect of building your ship, the reality is the only time you're really in your ship is when you're in orbit around a planet, and you either shoot enemies or fly to a base. A NMS system would have benefited a lot.

The game shines with faction quests being generally interesting and more engaging. And the smaller multi part quests tended to be enjoyable. But there's plenty of fetch/kill quests with basically no story to hold it up.

While I don't consider Starfield a bad game, it was one of the more polished Bethesda games to come out, but the setting, quests, exploration, and general vibe was overall a miss for me and I'd rather replay Fallout 4 or Skyrim again than do another run in Starfield.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2023
