I'm not a Harry Potter fan, I haven't read the books or watched the movies and don't not a lot. But the trailers made me interested in it. In the end my feeling is that the game's ok. There's some things I thought it did right like the atmosphere and some of the cinematic moments. There's also a couple of sections that felt unique and enjoyable from that end.

But overall it was a pretty generic story of bad guys wanting to find the McGruffin and you the Chosen One must stop them. The dark arts element they teased was disappointing, you learn the spell (pretty late) but it has 0 impact outside of combat itself so there's no reason not to get them. Some individual stories were good, some pretty forgettable.

Combat was pretty fun, though I did get caught up flipping around my spell load outs mid combat. And when there's a lot of enemies on screen it can become frustrating as you spend a lot of time just dodging/blocking. It also gets a bit repetitive as spells sort of do the same thing in the end, they either CC the enemy or just do direct damage so you just have to rotate through them.

The general gameplay is a giant collectathon for appearances for you and your crafting room. The latter I basically never engaged with outside of quests because there was really no reason to other than to identify items. There's a set of players that will really enjoy customizing the room, I was not one of them.

Overall I think the game is fine, bonus points if your a Harry Potter fan, but it hardly does anything really impressive to Open World games other than the atmosphere of the setting.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2023
