I played the og Gears game. It was a bit fun and a bit annoying at the same time. I felt this game have the most variety of gimmick levels in the trilogy and I somehow liked most of them. But I didn't enjoy with the rest of the things that much

In one level you ride a minecart, in one level you use a satellite gun to rain lasers, in one level you must use light effectively to stay alive from shadow bats, in one level you ride a... damn vehicle(I didn't like that one) etc. and I had a lot of fun with their variety of interesting premises for levels, also I liked that it always stick to it's serious tone to the point this game could be my favourite in the trilogy but it still have so many annoyances.

In this game, any auto guns are worthless. I played this game on hardcore and enemies just don't die to the body shots, they don't even stumble of your shooting compared to the sequels, they just continue to run like nothing happened and because of that every fight takes too long to the point of boring you. So you have to use heavy weapons mostly and also headshot with them to be able to minimize the time you spend on shooting enemies. I was wondering If they didn't test the enemies themselves and I understand what the hell is going on when I arrived to the vehicle section of this game.

Why? Because this vehicle needs two person to operate. How do you operate you ask without getting crazy when playing that section solo? With playing co-op of course!
So with co-op way, auto weapons actually have purpose with assisting, so no gun fight takes a damn 10 minute I assume. I only can assume because I decided to play this game solo and as a result some sections was pretty infuriating. For example I can't count how many times I died in that damn vehicle section or in minecart or in train etc. Oh also checkpoints are really few. This results with, you dying to a one shot shotgun or rocket or grenades and so it ends up resetting the whole wave arena fight of course. But I think my patience improved a lot with playing ps1 games so I actually beat this game, I was even gonna respect it's difficulty but I still hate the one-shotting attacks, so... unfortunately no. It wasn't that of a good time.

Another thing I can say is, it's movement mechanics are really hard to get a grasp on. Because when you initiate running or rolling or getting to cover, you really have to think twice because getting out of that or animation to finish takes time. First I didn't like it, but it managed to give me the feeling that I am a hulking tank, so I actually started to enjoy it. I also realized that if I take analog stick to opposite direction and then press the run button, character does a 90 or 180 degree quick turn so this knowledge actually made the game more fun for me.

Unfortunately I can't say the same for the cutscenes nor the characters. Other than pre-rendered cutscenes, every in game cutsceney looks ROUGH and clunky. Good thing is they are pretty short but they sometimes manage to take me out of the scene sometimes so... In my opinion this game would be better without them. Also characters aren't more than cliche grumpy angry soldier guys.

Yeah that was my own journey with this game. I can't say it was a bad time but I can't say it was good either. They balance it for me so... this is the result. If you like super serious and dark shooter vibes you are gonna enjoy this game. But in my opinion, if you want to get entertained of this game, don't play on solo. Play with someone. Otherwise you can go crazy like me in some sections and your experience can get soured as a result like me

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2023
