It's a good thing this game doesn't have a number on it's title.

Before I explain what I meant, I want to begin with explaining what my expectation was. After getting the legacy collection for ps3 and finishing mgs4, I was happy to leave this franchise behind. Even tho in my opinion no mgs is perfect, mgs4 ended everything very conclusively with no important questions left behind in my opinion. But when I remembered I paid for peace walker and mgsV too... So that means there is something to continue? "So let's continue then" I said to myself. But I was wondering what left there is to tell?(Warning, some SPOILERS)

Answer is nothing.

Or nothing important for me I would say. Because I didn't need to know how the ai is constructed with the lover of original boss's platonic lover or why the heck huey, the Hal's shitty dad is here randomly, or seeing boss help some random resistance team that consists Amanda and Chico and bunch of militants or seeing boss taking down bunch of corrupt cia officers that is behind the mgs3 operations or...

Especially I didn't need to see how big boss learning to accept boss's death. Game spends the most time with this subject and why? We already know what he thought about boss's death since mgs4. Or we already know why and how he had a grudge to USA itself(even tho I find mgs3 mixed, even I have to accept mgs3's ending ends perfect enough to show big boss's future motivation believable) Who asked this to rethread in here?

I can certainly say that I didn't feel any single thing throughout the story. Even after getting the true ending(ohh boy wait until I explain that parody of garbage) I just looked at the screen and went 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ "yep that was some game story alright".

Meh story would not make a bad mgs maybe but no... Not just that... I have MASSIVE problems with gameplay as well.

Mgs but simplified to Hell.

Less movement options(no prone???), dumber ai, also less connection between levels. Actually this game consists of multiple mini levels. Rather than one giant base or area we need to uncover. I guess that's made because of this game's portable nature. Unfortunately all of them boring and lineer as heck tho. That's not the only thing, ai is nerfed as heck. We returned to pre mgs2 days where ai can't see shit more than 10 meters. Funnily enough, this game have open environments like mgs3. You know what this means right? Go into a corner and shoot everyone with silenced pistol. That's it. Let's say if enemy has armor? Then use also another super overpowered new cqc technique where you press cqc button and you teleport to enemy from 1 meter away and immediately incapacitate it. It's too mind numbingly easy that I don't remember seeing the death screen in this game. Maybe in boss fights? I don't remember tho.

Oh also there is sub missions too. It's just replay the main mission but with a new task or remixed way! Kinda missions so I didn't care to do them as long as it's not necessary to do.

I guess there is one thing new tho. In this game we have a new system that is collecting soldiers(actually it's from portable ops but I haven't played that one and act like this is new). So with collecting them, you unlock new types of weapons or you unlock higher level versions of weapons. Also they have different types of soldiers like combatants or r&d or intel but frankly you only need r&d soldiers for progressing in the singleplayer part.

It's a fun system in it's concept but in this lineer game it's just there to f### up your pacing. Higher class soldiers only spawn in specific maps and you hecking need them. Because...

THIS GAME CAN'T BE BEATEN WITHOUT GRINDING. Final boss(before the true final one) is a bullet sponge boss. Like true sponge boss. The most biggest one yet.

Imagine me, playing the game normally, after equipping every explosives I have and go into the boss, use everything I have and see the boss's health didn't even finished.... F##K YOU.

But I did it. I grinded to heck out of this game and beat that piece of shit singlehandedly and what I get? More grinding for the true final boss... HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA.

I almost went crazy but said to myself, okay... Calm down... Maybe there is actually something worthwhile in there as a reward for grinding maybe? And the result is...

You do a boss fight with a loli girl in her bikinis with jpop songs at the background. Yeah. This is your reward for 3+ days grinding session.


I don't like this game. More than 1+ star because Miller is funny.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2023
