Sometimes I think myself as an insane person when I can't see the reason of the praise for a new hot release and this game is one of them.

Don't get me wrong I had fun of this game, especially the beginning hours, but like every ubisoft style open world title of this generation, it padds it's content too much to the point game itself becomes too thin.

Gameplay is.. (Played on Hard)

Pretty challenging at first. Enemies loves to guard or attack, you realize best way to deal with them is with parrying or if it's a red attack, then it's dodging and countering. Just spamming attack is never a good option and I liked that a lot.

Then new enemies get introduced that are harder to get an opening for, so only way to deal damage to them effectively is with stances/movesets you get throughout in the story, I enjoyed that too. Not just that you also get pretty fun gadgets to use throughout in your game as well and most of them is just in the first quarter of this game! (Remember this)

Side activites is kinda.... and just 5-6 types there is, so it's meh but it wasn't repeated a lot in the first quarter so I didn't get bored at all.

Side missions are mostly the same thing that is about some npc wants help and wants you to save their captured loved one, you go there then kill the enemies then you find their loved one dead, they thank you then start crying then that's the end of it. They copy this format toooo many times throughout in the game to count, but hey! At least they are not that many in the first quarter of the game!

Then there are important marked side missions too! They look story rich at first with telling a tale about important weapon masters, but when you do one of them, you kinda did most of them... with how it repeats the same story of a master teacher's loved one turned to the bads and you need to help them in this journey to save them from this regret. Also they didn't even put full cutscenes on them. At least theere are ones that is nothing to do with weapon masters and just about dueling and they were kinda fun. But don't worry about it's repetition for now because you don't see much in the first quarter of the game.

Yeah I was actually having fun in a game that uses an ubisoft style gameplay that is about clearing enemy camps, doing the samey 6-7 side activities trillion times and doing samey side missions, imagine my suprise! I was really having fun!
(Because content repeat was actually on the reasonable state at first)

But then the first part ended and the second part started.

It was fine. They added a 2-3 new types of side activites onto it, I liked especially the duels ones... and also they add 2-3 harder types of enemies. That was nice as well... But unfortunately a bit of repetitiveness started. Yet still it was in the level of 4/5 at least.

Then the finale the 3rd part started and this time it didn't even add much to the game and reuse a lot of activities and enemies. (Only thing it added was a white winter theme to everything I guess...) AND THIS TIME.... I WANTED TO SEPPUKU MYSELF.

Story is a mixed bag too...

It starts with an attack... Mongols are coming to our land... We get our blade and we attack them head on with honor! But... Their attacks are too strong and dirty so they manage to beat us and our army down. When we almost die, a thief helps us to heal and teach us how to be stealthy(that isn't fun to play), even tho we don't like dirty fights, we accept to do this for saving our uncle because this is the only way. Then story stops.

You clean lots of enemy camps, then finally manage to save our uncle, but leader Khan escapes. You follow him, then he escapes again and again...

Until game reminds itself that, other than a shitty villain there is actually an ideology of honor here somewhere at there, so it reintroduces that at the end of the game. Finally game starts to go somewhere at the damn end! And the game ends shortly after...

Unfortunately I felt nowhere near satisfied tho. Because not just that there were also other a lot of problems too. Game uses cheaply made rpg looking far away conversation camera is one that infiruates me, or attacking npcs results with them screaming then suddenly sitting down like nothing happened is another one that takes me out of the atmosphere.

Saying this unfortunately pretty heartbreaking for me because it looks good! it plays good! But unfortunately that's not enough. Like I said at the top of the review, it spreads itself too thin and make everything feel repeated to the mindboggling degree...

But you know what? They could make it work it they wanted. It's messy pacing, it's unnecessary amount of repeat content, it's inconsistent presentation with npcs etc. They could make it all work with just one thing.

With not making it a ubisoft style unnecessarily giant open world game.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024


4 months ago

And this is one of the best games Sony has to offer, weird

4 months ago

@Moister Actually I feel like there is a worthwhile game inside, but it tries too hard to be a long game, everything suffers just because of it