So a Miles Edgeworth game. A character that already concluded at the first game... Wait why these games exist again?

I played the whole game and I can't say the answer to you. Because I still don't understand the reason for it's existence. He is just, "huh a mystery? I should solve that I guess" bla bla bla... You know what? Let's put aside the Edgeworth and look at the rest of it maybe I would find something worthwhile for me.

So this game is a about wacky cases that Edgeworth solves, also he have a new assistant right now... wait isn't like his assistant should be Gumshoe? Okay. Whatever. What Kay Faraday, the new assistant adds to this game? Unlike Maya she adds nothing and have no relevance to the plot. She just keep saying did you know I am a good thief? And never shows her abilities nor she steals something.

Main cast is meaningless, then the side cast?
The person that made this game probably only remembers ace attorney for their quirky one note characters probably. Because this game full of it compared to the any other ace attorney game. No characters shuts up nor forgets to remind you that they have a stupid character trait, unlike the main trilogy this game doesn't know when to damn shut up and let the story does it's thing! So pacing is NONEXISTENT! It was a super negative experience for me.

New gameplay parts
So this is not a attorney game, it's an investigations game... and it's... just plays like any other detective game. Think about like ace attorney's investigation segments but the 3rd person and it's the whole game. So you never get the satisfaction of finding lies while you are under fire from every side at the court. Bland.
I would say play this game if you really, really just want to play something ace attorney related rather than valuing your time with something worthwhile.

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2023
