I always heard armored core beforehand, but with seeing the armored core 6 announcement, it's best time to dive in I thought. So I started and my first impressions were positive.

Variety is pretty suprising for a ps1 game. Also a controller configuration option? Hell yeaaah! The first thing I did was changing the controller more like a psp scheme(assigning camera to face buttons and action buttons to trigger buttons).
It was all good until I realized this game is bothering kind of jank for me.

Why the heck my lock on box moves faster than my camera????? Who thought this was a good idea? This takes away all the gameplay flow away. You start turning, then wait camera and aim reticle to match again, then you start turning again and wait for the camer....
I heard, the legs changes your turning speed so that's why. But forcing you to suffer for early game until you can get a better legs... That's so unlogical
No thanks.

My another problem is, when you go up the air and then to the ground, you have to watch your character to do a small stand up animation everytime and only way to get out of that is pressing the jetpack button again I guess. You can think this is a small problem but every mini boss does a massive damage against you and that small time wasting is the deciding factor for the life or death sometimes and punishment of is BIG. Die lots of times and bum. Half reset to your game. Nice.
If you are gonna force a big punishment upon me, then I would expect there is no possible way to get cheap deaths. But with these systems... it's just there to make my experience more miserable.

I have a massive respect that loves this game, but with this camera... I can't. Sorry. If it worked then I would be glad to finish this game and replay it 5 times but this camera is I can't, I just can't category for me

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2023
