I already reviewed the ps3 version, so.... Still played this because I heard it's expanded.... and...? Was it worth it?

Upgraded combat system feels more smooth to play... but the new lock on feels untested because for some reason it keeps locking on to the furthest enemies and just results with cheap damage. Also people that says this "upgraded" combat is a game changer is kinda wrong. Because it's mostly the old game's combat system with additional combos and smoother animations... that's it. Flaws are still intact. Don't expect automata here. I wasn't expecting much so I didn't disappointed. But on the other hand...

Added story elements.... are meh? The cut story from original game: Little mermaid is pretty good. But rest is... mostly text adventures like the forest of myth. Did they had no budget when they were doing this remaster? I already read Grimoire book translation to learn these stories... expecting them to get animated was too much I guess?
Oh also we have ending E now!.... and sorry but it's not worth the hassle for me. I still think ending A and B enough. Rest is still feels bonus cheap repeat content. Also "ending E" is super short. It's just equals doing something like the lost shrine dungeon with even more copy pasted boss fights. I was... expecting more?

You will say, really? You wanted more from just a remaster?

Don't get me wrong like I said A and B endings are worth it alone but for the returning players, I just wanted to see more "animated" content that expands other characters that already existed with drama cds, books etc. Newly added text adventure parts and super short ending E isn't that satisfying for a returning player: For me...

There is one more change that I really dislike of. Music. They remixed it... Half of the music still have it's core intact fortunately but other half... no. It sounds muffled and hollow. It doesn't have the strong impact of the original soundtrack. Especially shadowlord castle songs sounds heeeecckiiinnggg butchered here for me and it bothered me to no end! Sorry. I just want a original music option. Is it reaaallly that hard to implement? Every company's remaster have that damn music option? Why there is no option in this one?...

Oh other bothering change for me is faces. It's not big as the music. But new faces... looks... too clean? Even color choices looks close to an anime or automata I would say. In my opinion even if they change the faces, they should kept the dirty look in their faces. In a apocalyptic world, pure clean faces does not make any sense. I know they did this to cater to the automata fans, but for me this change takes out from the world building.

Last change is every dialogue is voiced now!... but there is no auto dialogue option for it tho?.... A bit frustrating but whatever. Also I can't believe I am saying this but english voices feel more nice to listen then the jp voices for me. Especially for Weiss. I loved on ps3 and I love it here. His eng voice: Liam O'Brien. He is that good for me. Jp counterpart feels like a ancient old voice and it's appropriate for the world but... for me the weiss's jp emotions didn't hit me as much as the eng counterpart.

So yeah that's what I think for the changes. Was it worth it for me? Ehhhh... no. I don't think nier nor any Yoko's games are replayable. I feel like Yoko Taro divides his budget something like %30 for gameplay and %70 for the story and because of that replayability suffers hard. So when it comes to best version... I still don't know because this game is a one step forward one step back. If they give us options to have original faces and music then I would say this. But right now... It's og one. But it's your choice to decide after all. For me any option is nice for the A and B endings.

Also don't listen anyone and just do A and B and watch the rest from youtube if you really want. Focus is clearly A and B after all. Rest is 5 minute extensions to the existing ending. That's it. They are clearly bonus endings not main content.
Thanks for reading!

Note: kind of unrelated but while searching for wiki to learn about Yonah more, I found that sinoalice collaboration with nier replicant added a small story part that is after ending C. I was like, hey that's interesting what can it be.... Dang... This is torture p#rn levels of cruel for the main character... Yoko Taro is insane

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2023
