Game is biiiig, but not in a good way. In a obtuse: "where the heck I should go or do?" Kind of way. If you use guide it makes it easier at least.

When it comes to game qualities, it's certainly this is one of the first stealth games ever. So AI is non existent. Only can see as straight line, their view is really that much small. There is of course no complex stealth actions. There is only: wait until guards go away option. Or you can engage with combat and start shooting until everyone is dead, but snake can't shoot straight other than pistol so... it's better not to. But if there is a boss fight then you have to do it of course.

Bosses are not memorable by the way. Just hold shoot button until they are dead.

There is also another mechanic that's called "heroism"(after playing mgsV it's super funny to see that it comes from here), when you save hostages it goes up, if they get killed then it goes down. You have to save every hostages to maximize it and you have to do that. It's not an option. Why? Because there is an annoying resistance leader that refuses to help you to finish the game in the second half. I am not kidding. So... Don't forget to look up guides please.

And the story is... Grey fox and Dr madnar is kidnapped. Snake is sent by big boss to save them and and there is an experimental weapon called "metal gear" hides in there? Wow. How suprising.

Story certainly... does exist. But it's the kind of story that you will forget the next time you go to sleep. But at least they tried tho. There wasn't many dialogue filled games with action gameplay at the time so I am gonna give it that point.

So forgettable gameplay and story. Obtuse progression too of course. But I can't say I entirely get bored either, because it was pretty short game and the moment boredom starts you already looking at the credits screen

Reviewed on Jul 05, 2023
