Heck yeaaaah!! This is a good game. Also feels like prototype of the mgs1!? Down to the map and event order!? Wow.

Also it's less obtuse more straight (except one part that you need to look back of the box to see hidden codec like mgs1). Kind of regret my decision to get a guide for it.

And stealth is improved? You can "prone" now and go under the beds or vehicles. Heck yeah! Or with punching to the walls you can confuse the enemy with "sounds". You have more gadgets too! But also enemy AI improved with wider view and more complex guard routes! Heck yeaah!

Only bad thing I can say is bosses are still boring, but at least there is small puzzle elements on them now. Like you need to use mines for a fast foe or use grenade launcher to explode foes that hide. So at least it does have variety in boss department. That's something at least.

Story is also bigger this time also! After metal gear 1, we hear about Zanzibar land. They kidnapped the Dr. Marv, the creator of renewable oil!...(that never comes up in mgs franchise ever again) and also they threat goverments with nuclears!? For this, the hero of the previous game "snake" get sent to Zanzibar land and needs to save Dr. Marv and clear the nuclear threat! Of course in the way there is new enemies and retconned(you will get used to it eventually) older enemies that returned... Somehow!

It can look not promising but believe me, if you had fun with mgs1, then you will have fun with this story too!

I have to say, they can rerelease this game again to steam and no one would bat an eye. It's still feels quality 2d stealth game I am not kidding. Also it's still short so if you want to try it, you can finish it one sitting like it's predecessor. I don't think you will like it as much as mgs1 because of it's clunky parts but I believe you can still have fun with it

Reviewed on Jul 05, 2023
