Good to see you finally retire, Max! Especially in my country!

Look, Max Payne 3 is a fine game.

I had a lot of fun with it and loved finally concluding this trilogy. The gameplay was improved from the previous one, they managed to successfully change the environments and the game's tone. The writing is still pretty cool and Max is still a badass protagonist. Voice acting alone could convince you to fall for this game, in fact. Even if it feels, at times, quite forced, with exaggerated plot points and murky point of views. But it IS supposed to be a moody noir game after all and they manage to sell this through storytelling, bloody set pieces and frenetic gunplay.

I also really liked how they set this one in Brazil. Not only for the necessary change of pace that the game (and character) needed, but also from the perspective of someone who lives in a coastal city in São Paulo. They hyperbolize and dramatize the country's crime gangs A LOT, but they did it in an interesting way, nailing a few of the environments, from the rich to the poor ones, as well.

What mostly fucks this game up are problems from the past, though. The same things I hated back in the previous both games are still present. Somehow improved, sure, but still a mess. Clunky aiming, weird cover system, too edgy, mindless shooting endless enemies, repetitive level design, weak replay factor, Max Payne's life is made of thin paper and too many bullet-sponge-soldiers. I swear, you could shower someone in bullets but some fuckers just refused to fall. Felt like Gears of War, but without sense, because you fight humans here.

Playing this game on harder difficulties must not be fun at all.

I also felt like this game took longer than it should. Outstaying your welcome by doing the same flaws, repeating things over and over, just isn't good. Especially right at the end of a trilogy, with an actual cool story. It just kills the rhythm.

So, yeah, I'm glad Max finally retired. It was a fun ride and I do recommend this game if you've played the other ones. But, honestly, I'm pretty much done here. Enjoy Bahia, Max!

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024
