The sequel to the 2003 game of the year, Knights of the Old Republic. Often considered the weaker of the two games. That is not true. This game is what Bioware could only dream they could write.

This game is an introspective, contemplative and philosophical discourse on the whole of the Star Wars franchise, taught through the game's narrative and characters. Written by Chris Avelone the man who wrote New Vegas also. This game is unlike almost any RPG I've ever played, the RPG asks deep existential questions about the universe, war, the nature of good and evil, morality, how different perspectives change our interpretation of history and events. Deep and thoughtful.

The only issue with the game is that it was rushed to completion to meet a deadline (a theme with Obsidians games) and as a result is incomplete. Best way to play is with the Sith Lords Restoration mod.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2023
