This review contains spoilers

First Impressions:

Gotta say, I wasn't impressed with this when I first saw the trailer. The art style looked strange, the voice acting was sub-par, the plot seemed weak. Now I'm totally sold. This game feels like it has the same engine as Persona 5, they just swapped out the models with chibi like models, and the art style actually does seem to fit. It runs just as smooth and seamlessly as the original Persona 5, it has the same charm and characters and most importantly the tactics gameplay is sharp.

This game is really damn good, and I'm gonna play it some more at some point. My only hang-up is that the number of scenarios in the game and the type of them seem kind of forced or simplified? Maybe that's just me, but so far I'm having a really good time with this game.

Spoilers, this game does tug at you a bit to see if you've already played the first game. So some of the events might be spoilers. If you haven't played Persona 5, you've been warned.

When I finish this game I'll commit to doing a full review.

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2023
