Kirbys Return to the REM Sleeping World is fun and kirby but it has some tiny issues that bother me. The mega copy abilities are pointless, boring, and mainly just a marketing tool, some of the game has new super mario bros. enviornments, some ideas are repeated like rolling boulders, timed powerups, and that stupid doomer guy. The thing that bugs me the most is that a lot of the secrets require you to use a specific copy ability, and you often can't go back to get that copy ability in the level. Just let me use the copy abilities I want to use😠😠😠😠

With that being said this game is awesome. The level design is great, the copy abilites are amazing with a decent amount of commands (my favorites are whip and fighter) and its got magalor in it.

also why does dedede look like that in the remaster i hate it.

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2024
