conceptually one of the best games ive ever played, alan wake 2 is beautifully atmospheric, has a great narrative as well as possibly the best voice cast of all time; every word alan speaks is babygirl, what a man. Even if i dont think its that scary (it has some good scares) its certainly a dreadful and heartwrenching experience. despite having 2 protagonist’s, saga and wake’s story is always engaging no matter how weird and fucked up it gets. i cannot imagine a different route that the story couldve gone, saga’s journey through the densely wooded, almost calming cauldron lake trying to save her family without even knowing how while alan is in the dark place straight up tweaking feels like a very apt sequel idea (-someone who’s first remedy game is AW2).
Despite how incredible this game is, i feel as if the gunplay never reached the pinnacle i was hoping. its not bad by any means, i just feel like literally everything else in this game is better. Playing on normal, the enemies felt a little bulletspongey: one example being i thought i was doing the first boss fight wrong cause bro just kept getting back up.

bonus small little harper complaint: i got stuck a lot cause i wasnt sure where to go, but this is easily fixed if u dont have memory the equivalent of a large isopod

buy this game play alan wake 2 please please its inspiring its peak i promise

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2024
