a perfect video game. it's got everything. The high stakes combined with the ultra precise controls make for a game that is easy to pick up and insanely fun to try to master. The other drivers add an element of randomness that keeps you on your toes and creates all these possibilities for emergent scenarios where the player is forced to make all these snap decisions, like when a driver starts to veer towards your path during a turn or when three trucks team up to block the road and completely fuck you over.

This is also possibly the single best vibe in a video game. cruisin down a beach highway with your ladyfriend... listening to some 80's synth bops (every track in this game is sublime)... the mesmerizing vistas whizzing past as you scream past them goin 280...

and I don't think i've ever looked for to a game over screen more. SUBLIME.

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2023
