Yep, I’m sure most of us had a phase of either attempting to be or desperately wanting to be MC YouTubers in the early 2010s; I was certainly no exception.

As EnchantedPotato, I adored Hunger Games mini games, the Hexxit mod pack and of course, Solo Survival Mode.

Minecraft is the epitome of creativity and will always have a special place in my heart. It’s a shame I lost track of all the new features however - it seems insurmountably different now :((


Beautiful, revolutionary video game. Batman and his universe is probably my favourite thing in the entire world and this game was a mind-blowing experience for me.

I was too young to experience this when it came out, but I think the hype I created in my own little bubble to eventually take it on was justified. The main problem I have with this game is how trapped you feel; yeah, I understand that’s the point, you’re in a prison. However, ‘Arkham City’ just feels so much better to play, it’s grittier, darker, wide and open, and beautifully so.

I’ve only ever played through ‘Batman: Arkham Asylum’ once and I need to do so again - maybe she’ll be risen to a perfect rating.


Literal straight perfection.

I could (and have) play ‘Batman: Arkham City’ for years on end.


I was in the unfortunate group of people that pre-ordered Batman: Arkham Knight for PC. Grave mistake.

Unfortutanely, I had my statue, art book and comic issue recalled, but not my season pass ;)

Arkham Knight was the only Arkham game I played at its time of actual release. Beautiful game, wonderfully new mechanics and a pretty meh story line at the end of the day. I probably have too much nostalgia for this game, however I've 100%'ed it about 4 times.


Fuck the Batmobile to the moon. Mark Hamill probably boosted this from a 4 up.



100%-ed this the other day. Took way too long. Big grind.

Big fun.


Spartan Rage in God of War is better than Bruce's Shock Gauntlets.


Again, this was a revolutionary game. I'd been waiting so long for actual dialogue in my LEGO games and I was gassed af when Batman actually spoke in the trailer.

'LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes' was also the first LEGO game to tackle an open world environment, however playing this game on WII resulted in very clunky gameplay, low frame rates and a very poor mini-map.

The story was funny, the array of characters was pretty great for the time and additional mechanics added interest, however the catalogue of playable comic book greats in 'Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham' just totally shames this game.

I feel like playing beloved games on WII totally inhibits the experience. Also, changing Batman and Robin's special suits is tragically clunky. The third instalment totally nailed all the lame mechanics this game failed.


(I think I'm at about 70% completion of this, my brother and I are slowly progressing to 100%)

I've never played such an underrated title in my whole life. A lot of Batman Stans dislike this game, but I love it's interesting takes, unique ideas and of course, the ability to manipulate the Dark Knight that I wanted to see - a pure asshole who only cares for Alfred and Bruce.

Part 2 is a bit too Bruce orinented, but I still had a great time.

LEGO Games with over 200 playable characters from all universes and a variety of comics PLUS an easier means of switching between Batman n Robin gadget suits?

Worthy of all the praise. I'm at like 96% on this game and I really wanna get all the gold bricksssss

4/5 because the story and plot device of the various Lanterns is a bit boring.

This was a little too Bruce orinented, but I still had a great time.

I loved the unique take on an ALPHA Harley Quinn and an old asf Riddler.


(This game was so hard to find in a physical copy).

This game just randomly turned up in my Steam Library one day and being an avid Batman stan, of course I gave it a crack.

I played about 15 minutes of it, got bored and uninstalled it for the sake of storage about a month later. This had terribly boring gameplay - maybe if I gave it more of a chance it would end up having a great story? Maybe?


I can't really remember if I finished the story of this game. I think there was something to do with Galactus? I honestly can't remember the ending.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes had a relatively clunky (and at times, confusing) open world and it just didn't resonate with me. The gameplay elements were pretty vanilla as far as LEGO games go but I certainly appreciated the large roster of playable characters, as per LEGO Batman 3, a game I bought at pretty much the same time and just loved a whole lot more.


Perfection. Perfect story mode, perfect song catalogue, perfect gameplay, perfect cutscenes and all instruments are available, unlike some of the lamer Guitar Hero games.


I didn't get the SHINYYYYY graphics of the modern LEGO games in this one, so it was instantly nowhere near as good as, let's say, LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.



This was a cool concept but it became too much of a money grab for me at the end of that. I got bored by the time I finished the story and I really cannot be bothered to buy the rest of the characters to get 100%.
