I'm one of the few people that saw how bad this game looked, watched how bad it played, heard how bad it sounded, read how badly it was written, and still wanted it to turn out to be good.
It's not.

I am by no means a Saints Row fan, and I have a lot of issues with the games, but at their core they were still fun to play even if a lot of it could be cringe and some stuff doesn't hold up at all. So a reboot could be cool, especially since a lot of people long for the days of SR2 and even 3.

Unfortunately, this is more like a bunch of people looked at the franchise and said "Saints Row sucks. I can do better", then took a sledgehammer to everything outside of the color purple. There's nothing left but the writer's ego.

Gunplay is bad, driving is bad, writing is worse, everything just feels so bland and soulless I'd believe you if you told me it was AI generated.
I couldn't care less about the bugs if anything in this game was fun, but it just isn't. Even without comparing to previous SR titles or any other GTA-like, the game just isn't fun.

$100 million down the drain, countless crunch hours wasted, and this is the final result.
"Sad" is the only thing to say about it.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2023
