So much soul here. I ADORE the music and visual style, as well as the gameplay with it's timed attack combo presses and mixing & matching Normal, Heavy, and Extra attacks or pelting enemies with Techniques. I made a FOnewearl and had a blast with her.

I played through up to the Cave boss and I don't think I can progress anymore alone, at least it doesn't FEEL like I can. My damage output + capping out on Monofluid plus some Difluid I found; I just can't seem to finish the boss off; it took so long just to break its skull mask. It's quite lonely playing it Offline too, to the point that it's begun to actively bum me out.

I just know I would've loved the hell out of this game as a kid if I'd ever known what a Dreamcast was at the time, but I'm gonna have to move along.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

to be honest I cherish every moment I spend in this game, even when the servers are empty. That lonely, desolate feeling makes it all the better when you're talking about conspiracy theories with super chill music. This game is awesome and you should totally play online if you can