When the original Blasphemous release, it was a good game with some rough edges. Bits that were polished over time into a really good Metroidvania. Blasphemous II is a further refinement and distillation of what made the original so good. The different weapons not only allow for different playstyles, but also act as traversal mechanics that open up the world as you explore it. And since you can start with any of the three weapons, each consequent replay can feel unique as different doors will open up at the beginning.All of this packed in the still absolutely gorgeous pixel art and haunting soundtrack that made the original game such a standout amongst its peers. Really fun boss fights, and gorgeous locations, make for a really exciting 15 hours to 100 percent the entire game. If you, like many others, are still itching for any news of Hollow Knight Silksong, Blasphemous II is a perfect way to not only make that wait easier, but to also engross yourself in another sick Metroidvania. And if the original Blasphemous was any indication, this game will surely be updates with even more bosses, levels, and skills in post launch updates, making it an even more enticing package.

As a personal note also: the game ships with the Spanish Castellan audio track, which was something that was added to the original game as free post launch DLC. I highly recommend playing with the Spanish Dub of the game, as it really adds a lot of flavor to the world.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023
