When it was first announced that The Noise's playable form would not be appearing in the full release of Pizza Tower until sometime after the game had released, I was really interested in seeing what that would lead to. The idea that any of his old unique iterations would be revisited and polished seemed pretty unlikely. Especially with how the levels were designed specifically with Peppino's moveset in mind. And while they very easily could've just reverted him back to a Peppino clone with some tweaked variables as seen in the demos from 2019, it would've been incredibly underwhelming and probably not super fun either considering how slippery he was.

Thankfully neither of these scenarios came true and instead we kind of got the best of both worlds. While Noise keeps all the fundamentals established in Peppino’s moveset, he has multiple unique movement options that change how you approach levels. This leads to a much greater emphasis on aerial movement in comparison. Wall running is replaced with wall bouncing, which gives you an immediate boost in height at the cost of easy wall scaling. This might seem like an immense disadvantage… until you realize you’re allowed to super jump from a standstill, completely offsetting any disadvantages this may bring. You can also chain this wall bounce into any of Noise’s other midair actions such as the drill and Noise Crusher, which act in place of his dive and the bomb drop respectively.

Effective usage of these moves allows you to (quite literally) fly through levels in ways you never could as Peppino. It’s arguably overpowered, which is perfectly fitting for his character. The Noise is a fucking psychopath. He relishes in being the most unlikeable, egotistical, cheating piece of shit to ever walk the face of the earth. And his personality is applied to every single possible corner of his campaign, going as far to outright ignore certain game mechanics so he can have things go his way. He doesn’t even have any good explanation for fighting Pizzaface. He’s doing it simply because he felt like it. The Noise is all around just a horrible person (if he can even be called that), which makes his playthrough contrast Peppino’s in the best way possible.

Reviewed on Mar 17, 2024
