this game really took me by surprise, kind of came out of left field
I definitely liked the first act the best, the mystery really pulled me in, along with the artstyle and sound design, never thought a card game could build up such a sense of dread
that said, the game is really frontloaded in that regard - the second act, while I understand that it's necessary for the overall plot, kind of popped the balloon a bit - it took away a good deal of the sense of unease the game builds
it still maintained an undertone that something was "off", but I feel it was too long and tedious, and the oppressive atmosphere was completely missing aside from the occasional hint - it almost made me lose interest in finishing the game
the third act was also good, but I feel that the game had shown too much of its hand by then, it never reaches the height of the first act
that said, I did find myself getting sucked into it again, just not to the same degree as the first act
I also feel like the big reveal was a bit of a letdown, but maybe that's just my own tastes
in terms of gameplay, it seems hard at first, but as soon as you figure out the game it becomes really easy to break, to the point where you end up doing it accidentally sometimes
it's definitely fun and worth a run, but after one playthrough I haven't had any interest in going through it again

Reviewed on May 15, 2022
