I am not the action horror genre's biggest fan but found a ton of enjoyment out of Resident Evil 2 Remake so I was hoping that trend would continue.

This game unfortunately suppressed all the best parts of that game and injected the worst parts with steroids. I really liked avoiding enemies and playing the puzzles in the first two games, but this one is all action, action, action. You'll be in a room filled with enemies to the brim and the only way to get out is to kill them all, leaving you with little resources all the time since they don't drop ammunition or health like in the 4th game. I hated that, man. I get that it was supposed to be a wild night in Raccoon City so, sure, I get it, but I'm just not scared by it because it annoys the crap out of me just like it does in any other action horror game.

All of that combined with the extremely short runtime made this game be pretty forgettable once the credits ended. Jill is still my wife though.

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2023
