Yikes. I won't get into the cutting of the Pokèdex or Gamefreak's reasonings for it here because it's irrelevant, but this game is just pure dog piss. It's almost like as soon as the Switch came out, everything produced on it has to be so mind numbingly babified by default and this game was the catalyst for that.

Every step of the way this game is just death gripping your hand with never-ending tutorials and constantly spoon feeding you one of the worst plots of the series. The most punchable rival is constantly waiting around every corner to just explain to you how to do the most mundane, basic shit that's in every Pokémon game before it. I wouldn't complain about it if it was optional, but it ISN'T. There's no way to acknowledge that you're not a 4 year old holding the joycons, and so, you suffer because of it.

I've played Pokémon my entire life like a typical Chad, and also the ones that have come after this one, and I just really hate this game lmao. It looks and runs like ass, the Wild Area seems expansive but is actually very limiting. It's really just a giant field of small pockets of Pokémon, with level 40 Pokémon body blocking certain areas that they don't want you to access yet. Raids are okay but can be annoyingly time consuming.

They've also made it harder to challenge yourself in this game by removing the ability to turn off the easy features, making every playthrough basically the same. The difficulty is so trivial and I stampeded everything even without my starter and with a team of all gimmick Pokémon. (It's the only way I could make it harder for myself.)

This generation probably also has the weakest setting for me, it's just simply not as interesting as other regions in the series. I don't really use the combat gimmicks, like Mega Evos and Tera Types, unless the game forces me to.

That being said, Dynamaxing gotta be like lamest gimmick yet. It looks incredibly stupid and only a handful of Pokémon get their own designs around it. You can still one-shot Dynamaxed Pokémon without being Dynamaxed yourself, it's just pointless. Didn't bother with the post-game or DLC. The Pokémon designs in this generation are okay. Some of them are some of my all-time favorites and others are kinda icky.

After having played Legends Arceus and Violet, I do think they are taking steps in the right direction to execute these new open world ideas properly, but Jesus Christ, it's highway robbery having people pay $60, sometimes $120 for both versions, so they can take literal baby steps getting to a good three dimensional console game.

On a positive note, music in these games still reigns supreme. That gym battle theme goes hard.

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2023
