I have good memories with this game, but it is lackluster to me. I think it takes 1 step forward, but 3 steps back and is the beginning of the downfall of this series to me. Like the first falling domino in the chain.

I love the survivor collecting mechanics in the first two games, but they've made them simply too easy. While they are stronger and faster, they're also basically invincible in this game which makes transporting them almost way too easy and very boring. They try to retroactively change this AGAIN in Off The Record because of this, and fumble the bag there too. I hesitate to say that they are smart, because they can still be infuriatingly stupid. They are just smarter than the previous survivors.

The time mechanic is watered down a bit, less stressful but also a breeze to do multiple things at once. If you thought the first game was too difficult, congratulations I guess.

Chuck is an okay character but is a bit cringe, not in the same good way as Frank, but not nearly as bad as Nick. They humanize him a lot more by giving him side motivation in keeping his daughter safe, but ends up making him a bit of a Serious Sally in a universe where you can fight zombies with dildos.

The map is larger with more to do, but adds in silly post-apocalyptic money mechanics, which can be broken. Terror Is Reality multiplayer is effectively dead today, but all it really offered was button mashing mini-games that could net you more cash if you needed it.

The combo weapons are fun and all, but they end up overshadowing the base mechanic of utilizing anything to kill zombies, which starts to tear cracks into what I think is the identity of this series. Chuck is also extremely fragile and his hitbox is massive for no reason other than to annoy me. Certain items, like skateboards, have been ruined in this game. The plot remains as nutty as ever, which is fine.

The PC port is atrocious and controller support needs to be modded in. There are bugs all over the place, which can make for a miserable experience. In co-op some bosses just straight up go off the rails, and start acting more feral than they're supposed to. Snowflake and her memory leaking numbskull head can suck my balls.

The game's been effectively abandoned on port release, which is terrible on Capcom's part. It sits as a 3 star for me because I can have fun with it, but it's by no means the best game in the series and it's also nowhere near the worst. Play it with a friend, if it'll work on PC.

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2023
