This game is like if you came home to find that your partner got poopy on the toilet seat somehow and they didn't clean it.

This game is ass and it smells horrible. The tonal shift from the first game is incredibly jarring, it went from a very compelling tragedy to an anime girl romp around where they do fuck all the whole time. There is zero substance to be had. The main characters aren't expanded on or developed in any shape or form.

Sure, the costumes are cool if you don't fall asleep while waiting to switch between 4 costumes in a row just to get a measly combat buff. Once you unlock the Dark Knight and Alchemist dresspheres, it's basically game over because it's the only useful combination, making the entire combat gimmick of the game feel completely pointless.

I would put drinking gasoline at a higher rating than most of these new mini-games. The 100 floor dungeon made me want to stop being alive.

I have no idea who this game was made for. The plot is infuriatingly stupid, and heaven forbid you want to learn anything about how the universe has shaped after the events of the first game, you better be following a 100% guide to a tee or you can just go fuck yourself, you piece of shit.

This is just simply not a good game. I would go back in time and abort it.

Reviewed on Aug 13, 2023
