Before I considered Death Stranding to be my favorite game by Kojima outside of the Metal Gear series, Policenauts was initially my favorite.

With Snatcher being Kojima's version of Blade Runner, Policenauts would be Kojima's version of Lethal Weapon. But with a twist! Lethal Weapon is more fast-paced from start to finish but Policenauts takes its time to fully establish the world of Home and Beyond, the companionship of Ingram and Ed, and a murder case that is predictable. While the game is predictable due to the hints being obvious, the journey through Policenauts is a fun ride.

The controls are improved, being more of a "point-and-click" adventure compared to selecting a choice to advance into the next area. The same goes with the shooting mechanics, but it's more of a nightmare since it's free-aim and some shooting sections in the game are rage-inducing. (and why I recommend emulating the game on PC instead of playing on the PSP/PS Vita)

It's been 5 years since playing Policenauts for the first time, and revisiting the game made me appreciate the game as much as I thought. It was a bit nightmarish when I played it since I was 15 at the time, and I wasn't familiar with older Adventure games. But Policenauts was the game that made me appreciate Kojima as a game developer and encouraged me to branch out with games. 5 years later after doing so, revisiting Policenauts was a nostalgic ride seeing how I grew as a gamer. While my rating for the game may be generous, I'm surprised that my thoughts on the game haven't changed after playing Kojima's older works since some elements of them appear in the game.

With Metal Gear, Snatcher, Metal Gear 2, and Policenauts being games that made Kojima well-known, he would later produce a sequel to one of his games that would eventually shape the Stealth genre.

And thus... my final game on my Backlog and a game that I wanted to finish before disappearing.

Reviewed on May 18, 2022
