When I first met Judy, I (quite superficially) was hoping she was going to be a love interest option in the game. Alas, as I was playing as a male V, Panam was the option I was steered towards, and at first I didn't really care for her. To my surprise, as this romance side story progressed interspersed across dozens of hours, I watched that relationship grow and blossom, and also grew to like that character myself. By the time her head was resting on V's lap in his apartment, looking up into his eyes, I was sold on her as his partner.

To switch into first person for a second, looking into characters eyes is something that happens multiple times in this game, and it always feels impactful. The moments that have stuck with me have been quiet ones, and managed to feel incredibly personal, really pulling you into the moment.

That's what I enjoyed most about the game, how it could draw you in. I spent an unreasonable amount of my time in Night City walking, not running, down its streets; waiting for the lights to change at pedestrian crossings; not skipping time ahead when another character was driving me somewhere (1), and instead just taking in the sights. I felt either like a tourist or a citizen of this incredibly detailed city, depending on the day, and I wanted to soak that in.

The hacking and shooting in Cyberpunk 2077 feels better than I expected (worth nothing I've only played after the 2.0 update), though in a game with countless options and combinations, at a relatively early point I just picked some guns and quickhacks that worked well for me, and rarely switched from them, as the game doesn't incentivise you to. While I wouldn't say it stopped being fun, I also wouldn't say it stayed fresh the whole time. Fortunately the world-building and story kept me coming back through the whole game.

1. Okay, I did have to skip one instance of an NPC driving me around. At one point an NPC completely forgot how to drive, and started driving in circles, hitting cars and poles and anything else he could find in this small radius. I watched this for about 10 minutes before I gave up. Wouldn't be Cyberpunk 2077 without some glitches still, right? Let's just say I was at least a little terrified any time that NPC offered to drive anytime from then on.

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2024
