Hm. This game is objectively bad. The graphics suck. The gameplay is slow. The framerate is choppy. And the overall artstyle of the game clashes with everything around it.

But the thing that carries this game for me is the story. Much better than what Re;Birth1 offered with a deeper dive into how the in-game world's politics and just a darker tone overall throughout the whole thing.

You can feel how depressing everything is in the game because the story itself is dark, dreary and depressing. Unlike in Re;Birth1 where everyone becomes your friend rather quickly, that doesn't happen in the original. No one wants anything to do with you because everyone has better things to do and more pressing, urgent matters to attend to. The game makes it a point to highlight that the other goddesses are LEADERS OF THEIR OWN NATION AND HAVE THEIR OWN THINGS THEY NEED TO ATTEND TO, rather than how the later games threw that notion out.

The original Neptunia definitely has a soft spot in my heart. A bad game overall, but a charming one all the same.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2022
