(this is a repost of my review on Steam with some slight modifications. you can read the original review here: https://steamcommunity.com/id/huuishuu/recommended/417860/)

I really love Emily is Away. While the internet time period the game emulates is a bit earlier than what I experienced, the vibe this game oozes is brimming with personality. I used Windows XP for years up until 2015 I believe, and the way this game emulates not only the aesthetic but the entire classic IM vibe is something I'm really just able to vibe with.

It deals with the story of love, has some happy moments and some really dramatic moments. All of that depends on what choices you make during your path. I did multiple playthroughs and each time I got a different result due to the different things I chose to say to Emily. The references to each specific time period the game takes place in were also something that reminded me of my early childhood, particularly what my brother used to do as he was the one who actually grew up in this time period. Perhaps I'll get him to play it to see what he thinks.

I also didn't mention the plethora of Easter Eggs here too. They were decently fun, especially the VA-11 Hall-A one, I thought that one was pretty fun.

Should you give this game a shot? Definitely. It's one of the most wonderful experiences on Steam and it's __free__!

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2022
