Well, I don't think I need to say much about Elden Ring since everyone has already spoken very highly of the game.

Anyway, it took me too long to finish it but I finally finished it and platinum.

About the gameplay, it's a good mix between all the games from From and also the evolution, that is, it's the best combat of them (for now).

I also liked the visual part, not necessarily the graphics (although they are beautiful, but nothing out of this world), I talk about the artistic part and the style adopted for it. There are parts of the map that fill your eyes...

As for the story and the universe, we know that the story isn't necessarily From's strongest point, although their universes are always well done. So I thought the story was pretty OK.

I think it's fine.

If you're interested in Elden Ring, I think it's worth playing.

Reviewed on Jul 23, 2022
