First I must say that I am not a big fan of Dead Space, because I never got to play any game in the series, but The Callisto Protocol made me very curious to play the first ones and even made me even more interested in the remake of the first one Dead Space.

The best part for me was the gameplay, it's very good to play, although at times it gets very repetitive and the enemies and weapons don't have much variety, in addition to the mini-bosses that are also very repetitive. But overall the gameplay works well.

Another positive point is the graphics and setting, which are very well done and very beautiful, the animations are also very well done, which are very bloody and grotesque...

The story also works well, despite being quite cliche and even predictable at times, it pleased me a lot (I want a continuation T-T).

But he has his problems, not a big deal. One of the problems I had was 2 crashes that happened in inconvenient moments (like in the middle of a battle or in the middle of the auto-save) anyway, there were some bugs, but nothing that spoiled my experience.

Anyway, I think that for those who are already a longtime fan of Dead Space, or are a fan of the genre, or are curious to know the Dead Space franchise, I believe that The Callisto Protocol can please you, for having many improvements and also being much more updated for today.

Well, that's all. Up until.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2022
