Extremely soulless and greedy game. Over 100 hours in and I could not bring myself to remotely care about the plot and characters or the story. Gameplay is flashy no doubt but it basically boils down to devil may cry without any depth. It certainly is fun to turn your brain off and fight big hordes of enemies but it does get old when you realize you’re doing the same thing over and over again. The main draw of this game for me was grinding to get enough money to buy cute clothes from the player market, where everything is disgustingly scalped. By the way, the only way to even sell anything on the market is by purchasing a market pass with real life money. The dark and mysterious art style of the original pso is replaced with a more polished boring anime style. I’ve heard New Genesis improves on aspects of this game, but it runs horribly on my computer so I guess I’ll never know.

Reviewed on Sep 16, 2021
