Being a big fan of Furi, when the devs announced this was going to be the next game, I bought it day one but set expectations to zero. So I ended up with this kind of ok vn with skating exploration. This game wants you to take it veeeeeeerrry slowly and almost forget the turn based battles and hover skating. You're gonna stare at 3 scenes of the space nerds Yu and Kay fighting who gets to use the shower 1st and you better like it. The 2 leads are fine, they're 2 horny nerds who always be doing cute things. The devs wanted this to be a relaxing game you could always come back to, but I was blinded by mario sunshine-ing maps, the game's main goal. The game has a big danger plot introduced that goes directly against the chill vibes the game's trying to achieve. Please understand I can't say much about the games plot without basically spoiling everything. Maybe it sounds like I'm being too hard on the game, but it really is just a strange experimental vn. Not to dissuade you but as a point of comparison, I recently played I was a Teenage Exocolonist and it hit a lot of goals Haven was trying to achieve. Recently they added the option to have f/f m/m versions of Yu and Kay, I might update this harsh review after I do a run with a m/m pair.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2022
