as a long time fan of tekken i wanted to say my opinion on it seeing as i've breached 120+ hours and will be going on a break from it soon due to upcoming finals. tekken 7 was the one i played the most and was going to tourneys and doing really well competitively
and this game when it comes it comes to just pure mechanics is in my opinion the most fun tekken has ever been but it's bagging a mountain of issues with it that honestly make me question where this series is headed but for the most part i am on board with everything
the most fun i've ever had with an FG no question. i've tried my fair share of characters and there has always been what felt like a pothole when it comes to balancing, i don't mind op or trash characters but some characters don't even feel like they're playing the same game
variety is everything when it comes to FGs for sure but its to a certain extent obviously, some characters feel like they're still playing T7 and honestly is discouraging when you main 1 or more of those lacking characters. i never cared about rank nor will i ever care
nless i'm gonna take it seriously and compete which i don't plan to. talking about who is lacking and why would take too long so i'd rather talk about my other issues with the game. with the most glaring one being the insane bugs and glitches and disgusting servers
mechanically i think this game is great, not optimal balancing but its enjoyable. everything other than that? dogshit if im being honest, the servers suck so much plugging is barely fixed, the amount of times it crashed and timed out for no reason
the amounts of patches they do that most of the time make it worse. its just sad honestly, i love this series with all my heart i grew up with tekken and it means the world to me but seeing it end up in a state like this is worrying.
every FG goes through issues like this its under the sauce but the state tekken is in right now i can hardly enjoy it outside of playing with friends. but when its the right time it can be the most fun you ever have with a game

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2024
