System: Windows PC
Rating: 58/100
Playtime: ~ 13 Hours

Finally got around to playing the latest Assassin's Creed release, and I found it to be a mixed bag. I've played through and enjoyed the open world formats prior, but this was a welcome return to a more focused outing.

There were no game breaking bugs that I faced, but this far out I expected a smoother experience. There were things that I wouldn't normally care about, but they happened multiple times throughout my thirteen hours, so it has to be mentioned. The amount of people spawning in / walking through building walls was crazy, and things like floating rats also got me. I'm pretty sure things like this were mentioned in Valhalla, but I don't remember nearly as much in probably 10x the play time. The rendered cutscenes were also shocking, if it was just a FPS drop during them it'd be one thing, but I also experienced the audio desyncing, and what couldn't have even been close to 30 FPS.

The part that gets really bad is simply the story. I didn't find the storyline particularly interesting, even though I did enjoy the format that the story was laid out in. The characters had me longing for the side characters of Socrates in Odyssey, both main and side quests. The voice acting didn't help as some of them were just plain bad.

Going around and doing stealth led to some very fun moments, but the combat fell off and the stamina system left me frustrated. There were also moments where I pressed the button and it was unresponsive, when I feel like I should've had enough stamina to perform the move.

I feel like with the lowered runtime, this is definitely worth playing if you get it for cheap. There will likely be some moments you enjoy, and if the story clicks for you, you'll definitely get more out of it than I did. I don't regret my time, but it's not a must play either.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
