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System: PlayStation 5
Rating: 90/100
Playtime: ~27 Hours

Continuing with the theme of playing through games I've missed, I finally got around to playing God of War. I originally started with the Ragnarok just releasing, but time slipped away and I've gotten back to it now.

I originally played through the first God of War when I got it in the remastered PS3 copies, but never made it passed that. It was thus a very interesting journey to see the newer, "softer", version of Kratos. Starting off with a similar version to what I was used to, I enjoyed the progression leading up to the game's conclusion. The relationship between Kratos and Atreus was it's own version of touching, seeing the two grow together.

The moments like the few big boss fights would have to be described as "epic", starting off with the first clash that you have at the house. These were some of my favorite moments throughout the game, with the finish of the final fight touching on the relationship of the two main characters, showing how far we'd come.

The middle of the game hit a rough patch where I didn't love the writing of Atreus, but I can definitely understand the purpose of what they did. I felt like the writing was a bit on the nose, but it still served it's purpose.

Originally I thought that the combat was going to be a significant weak point for me, but after messing around in the settings I found the option that worked best for me, and I'd recommend that if you're struggling to click with it.

The navigation was also a mixed bag for me. I actually enjoy games that go in a different direction than a mini-map with a line directing you where to go; like the wind in Ghost of Tsushima. This game, however, was difficult for me to follow with solely the compass, and the map was confusing to me until embarrassingly late into my run. These are issues that are going to be on a player by player basis, and may not effect your experience.

Reviewed on May 04, 2023
