its difficult for me to separate MY feelings from the game from the discourse from the game, so let me just say:
it's silly that after SkyUI was the most popular day1 mod for Skyrim to fix the useless menus that gave no information and didn't remember sort preferences, the menus in this game give no information (can't show weight and value in a list at the same time! can't show ammo type in a list at all!) and don't remember sort preferences.

its weird that the game wants me to scavenge everywhere for ammo but doesn't highlight bodies and also wants me to be having high octane gunfights that i am supposed to..... stop? to fiddle with corpses and inventory weight?

it is the blandest bland sci fi that has ever blanded. it couldn't get through the opening combat tutorial without an Alien reference.

it is full of spaces that are supposed to lend "realism" or "immersion" like toilets and supply closets but actually lend "frustration" and "emptiness" and "no sense of reward".

it wants to be a shooter where you switch between a bunch of awesome rare drop weapons and then gives you too many too hold and too many to swap between and oops you're dead anyway. there is no sense of the right tool for the job when a shotgun with the anti-personnel perk needs 10 blasts to take down the heavily armored enemy in front of you - on easy.

it wants to have a meaningful skill tree - and i do like the challenges to level up! - but ends up with a grey mush. levelling up felt like more of a chore than a reward.

i don't think its unsalvageable and i am admittedly a little pissed off because i had no ammo going into a story quest but i just wanted to roll my eyes the entire time i went from unremarkable ship corridor to unremarkable ship corridor with uninspired flat shooting. Destiny is right there!!!

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2023
