the part where the author asks whys so many games reward killing enemies or have a combat system is very interesting to me. games can be so much deeper than killing shit yet so many games involve beating the shit out of something. and it made me think about kirby because kirby just seems really confusing to me. in the ads and products its shown that he protects dreamland and loves any creatures and making friends and it’s really cute, yet in the gameplay he’s just beats the shit out of anything that moves and doesn’t even pose a threat which is just really odd messaging of what kirby is, and most of the creatures kirby beats up are just really cute dudes that are just hopping around. it would’ve been much more interesting to play a platformer where instead of resolving conflicts via violence you would’ve solved it via cuteness and friendship and the power you obtain aren’t from eating people and instead from making friends

Reviewed on May 19, 2024


this is why i love this game! it makes you think a little more deeply about games you like, but without pressuring you to like change your opinions or dislike the things you enjoy
also shoutout kirby star allies

14 days ago

@pronounspronouns kirby star allies still involve beating the fuck out of shit to resolve conflicts. btw i don’t hate kirby. it’s a pretty fun series im just critiquing the whole message or vibe of kirby as it’s conveyed.